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Personal Care Services

caregiver talking to an elder

Find Out How You Can Benefit from Personal Care Services

As defined by the Texas Department of State Health Services, Personal Care Services (PCS) is a Medicaid benefit intended to help individuals with activities of daily living (ADLs) and instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs). ADLs include bathing, toileting, dressing, eating, and walking; on the other hand, IADLs include light housework, meal preparation, and laundry.

How do you acquire this benefit?

To acquire Personal Care Services, you must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • Must be 20 years old and below and have Medicaid
  • Must be diagnosed with a mental or physical illness, a disability, or a chronic medical condition
  • Must have a Practitioner Statement of Need that is signed by a credentialed practitioner (i.e. a physician) within the last 12 months
  • Must require assistance with ADLs and IADLs based on the Personal Care Assessment Form (PCAF)
  • Must have a valid reason why your guardian cannot provide assistance with ADLs and IADLs

Contact MDJ Health Care Services at 214-341-6201 to talk to a member of our team for assistance. You can also Set an Appointment now.